
UniChoice premium quality table grapes are cultivated in locations where they enjoy ideal growing conditions conducive to optimal flavour development.

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White seedless


One of the earliest white seedless varieties produced in South Africa. This variety has an elongated/oval berry shape with 18-22mm berry size. It is green in colour with good shelf life potential.

White seedless

Early Sweet®

Early Sweet®, also known as Grapaes® is the earliest white seedless variety on the UniChoice grapes calendar. With a medium berry size, oblong shape and a milky green to slight amber colour, this variety kicks off our early season very well.

White seedless

Regal Seedless

White seedless mid-season grape with a light green colour. Medium/large berries with a sweet, crisp taste and oval shape are typical of Regal. Regal also falls under the moderate shelf life category.

White seedless

Thompson Seedless

Mid-season white seedless with medium to large, elongated berries. This variety has a firm and crunchy berry with good storage ability. Also known for its sweet taste, it travels well, maintaining its crunchy taste.

White seedless

Arra Sugar Drop™

This variety also competes strong against Prime and Early Sweet for the early harvesting window. This cultivar produces medium to large, elongated berries with a crispy texture. We consider this variety as a moderate shelf life grape.

White seedless

Sweet Globe™

Mid/late season variety with large oval berries and a crisp, crunchy texture. With excellent storage ability and aforementioned characteristics, Sweet Globe™ is in high demand across the world.

White seedless

Autumn Crisp®

Competes with Sweet Globe™ in the mid/late white seedless season. Autumn Crisp® has impressive berry size, easily achieving 30mm + with a crunchy texture. Excellent storage ability and a pleasant eating experience. This variety is also seen as one of the best in its harvesting window.

Red Seedless

Flame Seedless

Flame is known to be one of the earliest red seedless varieties in South Africa, with medium sized, round berries and a sweet, firm taste. Flame is one of our older, more hardened varieties produced in South Africa.

Red Seedless


Early-season red seedless variety with a pink/red colour. Starlight competes with Flame seedless for the earliest spot on the UniChoice grapes calendar. This variety has an oval berry shape with medium to large berries and falls under the medium storage ability.

Red Seedless

Crimson Seedless

Crimson is known to be one of the best proven varieties from South Africa. Mid to late season variety with medium/large, elongated berries. Crunchy, firm berries with excellent storage ability. Crimson is arguably the most popular red seedless grape variety world-wide.

Red Seedless

Tawny Seedless

Tawny is an early/mid-season red seedless variety with excellent production ability making this variety producer friendly. Large round berries with a firm texture. Weather permitting, Tawny can also be seen as a variety with above average storage ability.

Red Seedless


Mid/late season red seedless. Medium sized berries with dark red colour. Also known for its sweet taste, Joybells® has a unique bell-shaped berry where we suspect the name comes from. This variety has an above moderate shelf life.

Red Seedless

Sweet Celebration™

This variety ripens mid-season with a pink/red colour highly sought-after all over the world. Medium/large round to oval berries with a firm, crunchy texture. This variety has the potential for good shelf life if conditions are favourable.

Red Seedless

Ralli Seedless

Ralli ripens early in the season with an exotic pink colour. Large oval berries with a crispy texture. Ralli also has excellent storage ability, making it popular in market segments requiring shelf life.

Red Seedless

Arra Passion Star™

Early red seedless with medium round to oval berries, mainly produced in the Orange River Valley. The variety has a striking red colour, with moderate storage ability.

Red Seedless

Arra Passion Fire™

Early red seedless which is an excellent alternative for Flame seedless. Oval/round large berries, typically 20-22mm in size. Crispy/meaty texture with medium fertility, also strong shelf life and storage ability. This red seedless variety can also be characterised by its intense red/pink colour.

Red Seedless


Mid-season ripener with large berries. Oval shape with a fruity, firm taste. Also, a deep red colour. This variety has a good storage ability and travels well.

Black Seedless

Autumn Royal

Mid-season black seedless variety with a perfect bloom appearance. Medium sized, elongated and attractive berries. This variety travels well and has good shelf life. Maintaining the beautiful green stem colour is of importance with specific packing requirements to meet this objective.

Black Seedless

Midnight Beauty®

Early/mid-season large black seedless variety. Excellent storage ability together with a sweet, firm taste. This black variety travels well and is very high in demand all over the world.

Black Seedless


A mid-season black seedless with slightly elongated berries of medium to large size. This variety is highly fertile with a good natural colour, together with an intense fruity flavour.

Black Seedless

Adora Seedless®

This variety ripens mid-season and is known for its superior berry size, easily growing to 30mm +. Adora® is an attractive, full bloom black variety with good travel ability.

Black Seedless

Arra Mystic Bloom™

Very early black seedless with medium-large oval berries. Good travel and storage ability making this variety very attractive.

Red Seeded

Red Globe

Pink/red seeded variety with extra-large round berries. Harvested mid/late season. Redglobe is a very popular variety producing superior size berries. This variety also has the ability to travel longer than normal shipping times.